This classic French butter sauce makes a simple and elegant finish to poached fish and seafood. This recipe is adapted from Martha Stewart Living. Also...
Leave the frozen stuff on the shelf -- chef Nick Malgieri's fresh puff pastry recipe is tasty and easy to make in your food processor. It appears in his...
Vinaigrettes aren't just for salads: Use this tomato-based mix from chef Michel Roux's "Sauces" cookbook as a light pasta topping. Also Try:Classic Vinaigrette,...
Pate sucree forms the basis of many pies and galettes. This recipe for pate sucree comes from the "Living" television show. Use this recipe to make Plum...
Tangy Roquefort blue cheese makes this smooth vinaigrette from chef Michel Roux's "Sauces" cookbook the perfect complement to warm green beans.Also Try:...
Kerry Simon, executive chef at Jean-Georges; Prime Steakhouse at the Bellagio Hotel in Las Vegas, shares his recipe for this classic sauce that is often...
This simple, flavorful vinaigrette from chef Michel Roux's "Sauces" cookbook will quickly become your go-to salad dressing.Also Try: Roquefort Vinaigrette,...
This is the quintessential macaron (NOT macaroon) recipe. I am a baker's apprentice, and after much trial and error, we (the baker and I) finally perfected...
A personal creation based on basic French methods, with a 'sharp' ginger punch. Chicken in a ginger cream sauce and arranged over steamed asparagus. Wonderful...
Lyon, France is considered the gastronomic capitol of the world. I moved there with the intent to learn this cuisine, and this tart is not only a family...
My mother used to cook this for us all, usually to go with Sunday dinner. I was hooked. Haven't had it in ages and I was wanting to bake something special...
This classic French method of cooking fish is actually super easy and fast, and every time I make it the reviews are outstanding from children and adults...
This classic French method of cooking fish is actually super easy and fast, and every time I make it the reviews are outstanding from children and adults...
I like to use bone-in, skin-on chicken thighs instead of an old rooster for my coq au vin. Like all braised dishes, tougher cuts with lots of connective...
Chicken breasts are browned in butter, then baked with mushrooms, onion, and white wine. The finishing touch is an exquisite layer of melted Gruyere cheese...
Traveling through France, I sampled all I could in French cuisine. There were many delightful meals, but my favorite was Coq Au Vin. When I returned to...
Traveling through France, I sampled all I could in French cuisine. There were many delightful meals, but my favorite was Coq Au Vin. When I returned to...
Traveling through France, I sampled all I could in French cuisine. There were many delightful meals, but my favorite was Coq Au Vin. When I returned to...
These elegant packets look complicated, yet are quite simple to prepare. A seasoned salmon fillet is placed onto asparagus spears and wrapped in parchment...
These elegant packets look complicated, yet are quite simple to prepare. A seasoned salmon fillet is placed onto asparagus spears and wrapped in parchment...
These elegant packets look complicated, yet are quite simple to prepare. A seasoned salmon fillet is placed onto asparagus spears and wrapped in parchment...